Thursday, September 19, 2013

Build your own story menu:

Pick one Genre:

1) Romance
2) Science Fiction
3) Detective Fiction
4) Tragedy
5) Adventure
6) Comedy
7) Historical
8) What have you

Pick two objects from your own imagination. For example: a teddy bear, an ashtray, a bowling ball, tortillas, a robot...

Pick a setting. For ex: The Louvre, New York City, a diner, 17th century Japan, a high school gym class... Doesn't have to be that specific.

That's how it works. I'll crank out stories as long as y'all give me prompts!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Four Years Later and I'm still Lazy as Hell...

So I was going to start a new blog. I completely forgot about this old one I used to write when I was younger. But the fancy (scary) technology that exists in the future doesn't let anyone forget the past, much less me. Eh. It's okay. I guess I haven't changed my email in six or seven years, so it's all good. Blogger remembers me. I'm too lazy to come up with a new gmail account in order to start another blog from scratch.

That said, I am changing the point of this blog. The new point is that I want to become a stronger writer. And I want my past blunders to be public record. (Although, I still think my old hangover cure is ingenious and way obvious...)

Okay, the new point of this blog is that I'm a writer in training. I just got hip to this annual writing contest involving improv flash fiction. I'm not ready to enter this year, but I want to enter next year. So I need to train.

Once again, that said, I need weekly prompts. Keep me on my toes, folks. Think of it like one of those sandwich places where you pick a bread, a meat, a cheese, and condiments. Except it's like a Genre (Romance, Horror, Detective, Drama, Comedy, etc.), then choose a place where you want the short story to be set, and then choose two objects that need to be involved in the story.

Think of it like a build your own story menu.